Gem: Sapphire
Weight: 1.96 ct.
Dimensions: 7.5 x 5.7 mm
Clarity: SI/I - depends on your definition of an inclusion in this case. There are very few interruptions to the gem besides the golden/silvery star silk, but that silk takes up a good part of the gem. Each blue stripe is clean and the color and brightness of the culet can be seen through those stripes, and just a little bit through the star sheen.
Origin: Weld River, Tasmania, Australia
Treatments: None
What an odd, and unique stone! This otherwise baby-blue gemstone has a healthy dose of golden schiller all through it, with the exception of two or three parallel stripes where it is entirely clean! I was on the fence, on this one, about whether to make it into a cabochon or a gemstone, and I'm glad I shot for the moon, and decided to have it cut.
It's very memorable, and all the patterns, colors, and texture really could keep you staring for hours!
If pressed I would say this gem is ideal for the gentleman in your life. In my opinion a great gent's ring has a moody stone, with lots of texture to bolster it. Men, in my experience, tend to want more understated, textural gems for daily wear. Many men want a gem, but do not want to stand out with brightly colored bling.
However, this piece could be used to great effect in any kind of piece for anybody! Anybody who likes something a little different, anyway.