Gem: Hackmanite with Tenebrescent properties - 4 available
Weight: 16.5 ct. average weight
Dimensions: 11 x 11 x 11 mm on average
Clarity: N/A / translucent to opaque
Origin: Burma
These cubes are magic. Tenebrescence is real magic. Thats the fancy word for when a material can change color in sunlight AND change back when kept out of the light.
Hackmanite is a dull whitish gray in it's 'unexcited' state. When allowed to bask in good sunlight for a matter of ten or fifteen seconds, though, it will become marbled with intense veins, splotches, stripes, and patches in bright purple.
It's incredibly interesting to watch, and experience. As an added bonus, if you have a UV light, the purple areas glow CRAZY bright orange, with reddish areas too. Just another layer to these magic stones.
There's a lot one can do with these, besides having as a pocket rock to keep you entertained. I have personally carved hemispheres on all the sides like a dice; I've sawn it in two, and made matching cabochons, and yes, I have also kept it around in pocket, and on desk to just enjoy.
NOTE: These will change color in DIRECT sunlight - you can't experience the color change if the gem is behind glass, as the glass filters out the UV light that causes the change. Outside, in the sun is where you will see the magic.