Gem: Vanadium Kornerupine
Weight: 0.83 ct.
Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.5
Clarity: SI2
Origin: Umba Valley, Tanzania
Treatments: None
This is a great opportunity for a deal on a vanadium korn with some size. It's not over a carat, so it isn't more expensive, and although it has a bit of an included personality, they are small, and sparse. Though visible to the naked eye, and pervasive throughout the stone, they are small enough to not block the light, and spread out enough to enjoy the whole pattern, which is an awesome dichroism of light and medium green. (yellow comes in as a fleeting accent color also, somehow, which just adds to it's allure).
It's priced according to it's flaws, and in my opinion would be a great bet for someone trying to maximize their dollar. The flaws most likely will not bother you in hand, if you even see them from ring-distance! (It would make a fantastic solitaire pendant also, by the way).