Gem: Chrome Kornerupine
Weight: 1.23 ct.
Dimensions: 10.1 x 6.1 mm
Clarity: I1
Origin: Umba Valley, Tanzania
Treatments: None
Faceted by: Scott Maier
Original gem design by: Scott Maier
This is my own personal pear design that I use on special gems. This kornerupine is amazingly tri-chroic. It's base color is a deep chromey purple, and in various situations shows off a lot of light purple and blue, teal, and green as well.
It's a little bit included, as is common for material that is this depth of color, and this stark of trichroism. In fact, worthwhile gems over one carat are exceedingly rare, and this piece is rather clean for what it is.
It's inclusions include small crystals, and very minor internal dislocations. There are one or two small bands of silk, as well. I believe the French term for this kind of inclusions is 'jardin' - simply meaning it has a variety of evenly distributed inclusions, making for an aesthetic natural garden in the gem.