Gem: Vorobyevite Beryl (Alkali Beryl)
Weight: 2.5 grams
Dimensions: 24 x 13 x 6 mm
Clarity: N/A
Origin: Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Treatments: None
Vorobyevite is an incredibly rare form of beryl, which contains rare alkali content, which causes some very interesting growth habits / patterns. This particular one has an extra deep blue core, sandwiched in between two terminations consisting of cat's eye hollow and parallel growth. The combination is very striking, and has a lot of character.
This is a half crystal, detached where it grew as a half, from the matrix. Besides the base, this is a complete crystal specimen, consisting of three main edges, and two flat sides.
There is also a little sidecar crystal near the base, on the front which also exhibits the same growth patterns, colors, and features.
I contemplated turning the piece into cabochons with cat's eye edges and a deep blue stripe, because that would look super interesting, but I decided it was better as a whole specimen.
There is minor black tourmaline needles associated with this piece.