Gem: Spessartine garnet and biotite mica
Clarity: N/A
Origin: Wushan Spessartine Mine - Fujian, China
Treatments: none
I love garnet cluster specimens, and I try to offer them whenever I can! You may have noticed, I have some nice green garnet clusters, but it has been a while since I've had a great little spessartine specimen!
Even better, this is a combination mineral species piece. It has the obvious orange spessartine garnets, but also nestled in between are wonderful prismatic books of biotite mica.
If you are so inclined, this piece could be made into jewelry without too much of a headache.
Albite and feldspar make up the matrix, for the most part.
Virtually no damage on the displaying sides. The cleavage from the host rock is on the back, and sits hidden when the piece is on display in its natural position.