Gem: Spinel
Weight:11.25 grams
Dimensions: 25 x 24 x 22.5 mm
Clarity: N/A (but translucent to gemmy throughout)
Origin: Mahenge, Morrogorro, Tanzania
Treatments: None
This crystal is a fantastic, and satisfyingly hefty size!! It's pretty much a cubic inch of fractally crystallized, (or perhaps etched, I'm not sure) geometric goodness.
ALL kinds of patterns abound here - There are raised, and recessed areas, and all points and edges are in-tact. The one place that could be construed as breakage is really just the breakage of the matrix, which is a small lime-green patch of what is most likely diopside.
If you love to collect miniature mineral specimens, but hate to break the bank, this may be the right one! It's really gemmy, and totally interesting, top to bottom, plus it has a little twin of itself attached o one side!!
I could get lost in this gem for hours (I have, actually!) I bet you could too.