Gem: Spinel
Weight: 9.675 ctw
Dimensions: 9.8 x 9.7 x 4.6 mm, and 9.7 x 8 x 6.3 mm
Origin: Zo Valley, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
Treatments: None
This material is iconic, and vibrant. Vivid, open purple color is the dominant feature of this rough. It's from one of the oldest gem deposits known, in the deep Zo Valley, right next door to Kuh I Lal, also in Afghanistan, and the Tajikistan spinel mines, famous for their alluring colors, all.
These two pieces have characteristic stepped / etched crystallization on the outside surface. These crystals are odd form, for spinel, but are not complete crystals. They are neat to look at for this reason, but ultimately not worth more than their facet rough potential.
One of these pieces is ideal for any depth and shape of gem, and the other is a tad on the flat side. It has a deep end, which gives it enough depth for a variety of shapes.