Gem: Amethyst
Weight: 54.6 grams; smallest: .75 g, and largest: 4.5 grams
Dimensions: between 10 and 27 mm
Clarity: 70% to 100% clean; Mostly above 85% clean
Origin: Rwanda
Treatments: None
This is some old school material that has been very popular for a long time, and can be pretty hard to find in best qualities these days. I have had this tumbled lot of Rwandan amethyst for years, and finally found it again while I was doing inventory!
Almost every piece needs a little trimming and pre-forming. Maybe one or two need to be sawed in half. But most of these are very clean. Every piece has at least a good, clean section somewhere inside, and a lot of them just need a little nip and tuck to get rid of peripheral fracturing.
Some of these have the very desireable blue or pink flash, and a couple have both. Most of these pieces are loaded with cool deep purple phantoms. You will get all kinds of colors and shades of purple with this parcel -- you can use these to practice trimming, sawing, grinding, grading, and orienting for color. Lots of great gems are in here, whether you want to work your way through them faceting, or cabochon them with their sparse inclusions and amazing color phantoms, or give them a final polish tumble, and just keep them s high-end tumbled stones - with this many pieces, you can do it all.
I'm willing to sell half of this parcel for half price, just send me an email to ask about this option.